Uma análise de final fantasy vii

Uma análise de final fantasy vii

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The planet of Gaia, referred to simply as "the Planet" by its inhabitants, has three main continents. The planet is a living organism, and its lifeblood is the Lifestream, the liquid form being Mako, that wells in the substrata.

They defeat the giant Whispers and afterwards, battle Sephiroth. Although they prevail, Sephiroth remains and shows Cloud a vision of what he calls "the edge of creation". He implies that the world is ending and asks Cloud to embrace his plan for the planet's future. Cloud refuses, but is defeated and left with a warning that he has "seven seconds before the end".

Through finding new Materia, weapons, armor and accessories, party members can be made more powerful and versatile. For defeating enemies, the party is rewarded EXP distributed to members alive, and halved for members not in the party, which allows the party to level up. AP is also awarded, which levels up the Materia equipped to the party members.

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Of course, things in Midgar are never that straightforward. She’ll have to contend with all kinds of threats and distractions, including helping her Avalanche contacts, Shinra’s army of security forces, and a potentially crippling addiction to the Fort Condor minigame.

Cloud's party infiltrates the city to fight Hojo, who has taken command of the Sister Ray. Hojo is trying to re-fire it, even if it would obliterate Midgar. Cloud and his friends fight their way through the remaining forces of Shinra to reach Hojo, who reveals he wishes to give Sephiroth a "boost" from the Sister Ray's power; the party learns Hojo is Sephiroth's father and thus directly responsible for the crisis facing the planet. Despite the power he has gained by injecting himself with Jenova cells, Hojo is defeated.

Many of the main characters come to outlive the people and the places they once used to identify with, struggling to fit in their current reality. Examples of this are Cloud and his past in Nibelheim and SOLDIER, Barret as the leader of AVALANCHE, Red XIII as the protector of Cosmo Canyon, and Cid as Shinra's aeronautical engineer. The cast is motivated by the loss of something that once defined them.

[22] Conversely, Bradley Ellis of Easy Allies said that the sidequests become "more captivating" as the game goes on due to the "meaningful character moments between your party", and because they "help bring life to the citizens of Midgar".[15]

In the town of Kalm Cloud tells the others his tale of the Nibelheim Incident, or what happened in the town five years ago, but his story is filled with gaps. Cloud tells that five years ago he and Sephiroth had been sent to Cloud's hometown to investigate the local mako reactor where Sephiroth had found Jenova, a creature Shinra took to be an Ancient, and who had been called Sephiroth's mother. Troubled by the discovery, Sephiroth had delved into his past and the Jenova Project—from which he was born—led by Professor Gast and the deranged Professor Hojo.

While the majority of previous titles featured four playable characters, Final Fantasy VII features three, which became the standard in following games. Though many of the status effects are borrowed from status effects from previous titles, the Barrier and MBarrier (known in other games as Protect and Shell) have a limited use visualized by a gauge, which, like the main ATB gauge, can be sped up using Haste and slowed down using Slow.

Who designed the posters and vending machines featured throughout the train station and why were these designs chosen? Were there any designs which were cut final fantasy 7 remake from the final release of the game? If so, why?

Characters can unleash powerful moves that deal a lot of damage to their opponents, called limit breaks. Each character has a limit gauge, which fills as they take damage (and when they stagger opponents), and once filled, the characters can use their special attacks, which can be used at any time during battle and consume pelo ATB.

Final Fantasy VII uses the Active Time Battle system, in which the party member's action is input with a command in a menu once their ATB gauge fills, with up to three playable characters in a party, who can have various weapons, armor, accessories, and—unique to the game—Materia equipped. Party members stand in a row (though their position can be altered in the menu) facing rows of enemies, which come arranged in one of many attack formations: facing them, surrounded by them, or surrounding them.

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